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Below are the following breeds we have at this time.

Ameraucana/Easter Egger

This has to be our favourite breed as they are very sweet and they lay blue/green eggs. Ameraucana traits include: full tails, muffs, beards, and slate or black legs. This breed has pea combs and do well in our cold Canadian winters. Ameraucanas are very easy keepers, great foragers and nice layers of around 150 blue/green eggs a year.

Barred Plymouth Rock

​Barred Rocks are a cold hardy breed and were developed in New England in the mid 1800s. They are great producers of large brown eggs. This breed is very cold hardy and will continue to lay during the winter. A hen will lay around 200 eggs a year. The Barred Rocks are a great dual purpose breed so they can also be used for meat. They are also great foragers, but they are fine in confinement.

Silver Laced Wyandotte

Wyandottes are a docile, dual purpose breed kept for their brown eggs and meat. They appear in a wide variety of color patterns. The Wyandotte lays around 200 pale brown or tan eggs a year. The Wyandotte is a medium sized bird with a rose comb so they do well in our cold winters. Wyandotte hens are also great mothers. 

Bearded Silkie

Silkies are known for their fluffy plumage, black skin, flesh and bones, blue earlobes, and five toes. This is a very calm and friendly breed;  they make great pets. Hens are also exceptionally broody, and make great mothers. These birds are imported from a non-hatchery line from the US.


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{Not available at this time}

Check out the for sale page to see available hatching eggs and chicks!

Marans originated in France and were bred for thier beautiful dark brown eggs. They are great foragers and can withstand our Manitoba winters. They will lay around 150-180 eggs a year. At this time we have Black Copper Marans {Not available at this time}
Please remember we try to fill our orders in a timely manner, but our hens run the show and if they take the day off we can't do much about it! In order to keep our flocks happy, healthy and producing quality eggs to hatch, our birds are fed a quality layer mix, veggies, bugs, grit and oyster shell, and fresh water daily. We will get your eggs or chicks to you as soon as possible! Thanks in advance for your flexibility.Should you have a problem with chicks/eggs you purchased from us, please contact us immediately. Due to conditions beyond our control, we do not offer a refund on chicks/eggs but will try to accomodate our customers as best we can. We do NOT guarantee our hatching eggs.
{Available Spring 2014}

Juvenile hen

{Silver Springs Farm} Manitoba, Canada.

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